
 Dinoflagellates alter their carbon and nutrient metabolic strategies across environmental gradients in the central Pacific Ocean (2021) Nature Microbiology 6:173–186

Environmental metadata from the 2011 METZYME expedition including macronutrients, pigments and physiochemical data is available through BCO-DMO project 2236.  Mass spec proteomics data and assembled fasta can be found on ProteomeXchange under identifier PXD014230. Raw reads are available through NCBI under Bioproject number PRJNA555787. R code used to create heatmaps, ordination plots, 18S rRNA and WCGNA analyses are located on GitHub.


Transcriptomic and proteomic responses of the oceanic diatom Pseudo-nitzschia granii to iron limitation (2018) Environmental Microbiology 20(8): 3109–3126 doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14386

For assembled contigs, KEGG annotations and raw read counts please visit the Marchetti Lab page. Raw sequences are located on NCBI under Bioproject number PRJNA432444. Mass spec proteomics data is available via ProteomeXchange under identifier PXD009698


Diatom transcriptional and physiological responses to changes in iron bioavailability across ocean provinces (2017) Frontiers in Marine Science 4:360. doi:10.3389/fmars.2017.00360

For assembled contigs, taxonomic and functional annotations, and raw read count information please visit the Marchetti Lab page. Raw sequences for California Upwelling and Northeast Pacific incubations can be found on NCBI under Bioproject numbers PRJNA320398 and PRJNA388329, respectively.


Iron and vitamin interactions in marine diatom isolates and natural assemblages of the Northeast Pacific Ocean (2017) Limnology and Oceanography 62: 2076-2096. doi:10.1002/lno.10552

For assembled contigs, annotations, and normalized counts, please visit the Marchetti Lab page. Raw sequences are located on NCBI under Bioproject PRJNA320386.